• 【学习贴】CIPS视角看供应链优化
  •  发布时间:2023-08-02 11:26:37  阅读次数:246

What does supply chain optimisation mean?


Supply chain optimisation (SCO) is the application of tools and processes to streamline an end-to-end manufacturing or production operation. The aim of it is to reduce cost and increase profit.

供应链优化 (SCO) 是应用工具和流程来简化端到端制造或生产运营。其目的是降低成本,增加利润。

When working in the supply chain, you’re tasked with seeking optimisation. You must try to find a balance of delivering what the customer wants at the lowest overall cost, but with the highest overall profit to your business.


What are the four attributes of supply chain?


The supply chain can be broken down into four key attributes:


1)Integration: This starts in your planning stage and is the key to long-term success. Make sure you have an accurate and reliable source of information about your supply chain activities, which helps you to plan for and mitigate supply issues.


2)Operations: The day-to-day running of your operations is important to maintain a strong supply chain.


3)Procurement: This is the sourcing, contract and supplier relationship management aspect of securing goods, services and works for the organisation.


4)Distribution: This is where the supply chain ends, when the product or serviced is delivered to the customer.


What is the goal of supply chain optimisation?


The goal of SCO is to remove waste activities and add value to your supply chain process, without increasing your risk or reducing your efficiency or the product availability to the customer.

SCO 的目标是消除浪费活动并为您的供应链流程增加价值,而不增加您的风险或降低您的效率或客户的产品可用性。

How do you optimise a supply chain?


Every link in the supply chain costs money and takes time to improve it. When improved, you can reduce the amount of money that link costs. Here are some opportunities to consider for optimisation.


1)Mapping the supply chain: To improve the supply chain, understand the current structure and where the blockages and costs lie. An in-depth mapping process will expose these areas.


2)Improved business alignment: Align your supply chain to the organisational structure strategy and goals. Align management resources to support the supply chain objectives e.g., people, information, technology, finance. Align suppliers with your supply chain goals through communication and collaboration.


3)Software support: Introduce mathematical modelling software to plot optimal inventory holding against customer demand. This can either be integrated in a central ERP system or run by an application service provider (ASP) as a bespoke service.

软件支持:引入数学建模软件,根据客户需求绘制最佳库存持有量。这可以集成到中央 ERP 系统中,也可以由应用程序服务提供商 (ASP) 作为定制服务运行。

4)Improved processes: Introduce lean and agile approaches. Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment routines. Business process re-engineering. Outsourcing non-core activities to third party providers. Reduce manual processes e.g., Introduce block chain technology in invoicing and payments.


5)Pursuing specific supply chain optimisation opportunities: For example, improved order processing, reduced inventory, warehouse and storage management, freight handling, increased supplier collaboration, focused reporting and analytics, security, transportation and logistics, compliance and auditing, product size and packaging, innovative production approaches.


6)Waste reduction: Look at delays, bottlenecks, double handling, write offs and remove all these non-value adding activities.


7)Introducing measurement and Key Performance Indicators: Measure the impact of your optimisation approaches by use of Gross Margin Return on Inventory Invested (GMROII), Standard Deviation and Means Absolute Deviation on stock, Cash Flow indicators and Working capital measures.

引入测量和关键绩效指标:通过使用投资库存毛利率回报 (GMROII)、库存标准差和均值绝对偏差、现金流量指标和营运资本测量来测量优化方法的影响。

